Clans info

Last Update (Lithuanian Timezone) 18 May 2024

EU Server

[SKIL0] baboons empiiree

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[SKIL1] Baboons empire

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[SKIL2] Baboon Empire: SKIL2

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[SKIL3] Baboon Empire: SKIL3

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[SKIL4] baboons empireeee

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[SKIL5] baboons empiire

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[SKIL6] Baboon Empire: SKIL6

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[BABN1] Skill4ltu's baboon empire

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NA Server

[BABNS] Baboon empire!

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[BABN2] Baboon Empire 2!

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[BABN3] Baboon Empire 3!

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ASIA Server

[PAID4] SKILL4LTU Paid Actors of the Pacific

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Possible future EU Clans but currently closed: SKIL 78 , 9


  • English speaking
NA Play minimum 50 battles per month
EU Play minimum 150 battles per month

Need to be on Discord with a working microphone
Play at LEAST 25 skirmish or 4 advances every 28 days
Have 2,7K+ recent DPG on tanks from the list below (at least 50 games)
Pass the 3 week trial

Have at least 4 of these tanks:
 IS-7, 277/260, T95 Chieftain/S.Conq, 60TP, CS-63, 907/140, 279e.

SKIL1 (EU) 2x 3rd moe on tier VIII+, or 1x 3rd moe on tier IX+
SKIL2 (EU) 2x 2nd moe on tier IX, or 1x 2nd moe on tier X
SKIL3 (EU) 1x 2nd moe on tier VIII+
SKIL4 (EU) 1x 2nd moe on tier VI+
SKIL5, 6 &
Have at least a tier 8 tank
ASIA Have at least one of the Meta tanks ( CS-63, 277, 140, EBR, Super Conqueror )
Console Looking for players who just enjoy the game, be active & not toxic (rules)

Community Guidance & Rules

TL;DR Don’t be a dick.

Further Guidance - Discord

  1. Stick to the ethos of Skill’s chat. Be nice. If you can’t be nice, be silent.
  2. Racism, Homophobia, bullying or sexism will result in censure.
  3. Disruptive behaviour either on Discord or elsewhere disrupting the activities of the clan will result in censure.
  4. Attempting to subvert or undermine the Discord permissions, hiding of nicks, using alternative identities or hindering the work of the Discord admins etc will result in censure.
  5. Your identity on Discord should reflect both your twitch and ingame nick. If these are materially different, please use <twitch nick> / <game nick>.

Further Guidance - In Game

  1. Do not breach the World of Tanks EULA (game rules).
  2. Do not act in a hateful, malicious or disruptive manner either in battle chat or elsewhere.
  3. Do not take any action which may bring the community into disrepute.