Clans info
Last Update (Lithuanian Timezone) 1 March 2025
EU Server
[SKIL0] baboons empiiree
[SKIL1] Baboons empire
[SKIL2] Baboon Empire: SKIL2
[SKIL3] Baboon Empire: SKIL3
[SKIL4] baboons empireeee
[SKIL5] baboons empiire
[SKIL6] Baboon Empire: SKIL6
[SKIL7] Skill's Baboon Empire 7
[BABN1] Skill4ltu's baboon empire
NA Server
[BABNS] Baboon empire!
[BABN2] Baboon Empire 2!
ASIA Server
[PAID4] SKILL4LTU Paid Actors of the Pacific
Possible future EU Clans but currently closed: SKIL 8 , 9, and NA clan BABN3
- English speaking
- Joining the Skill4ltu community discord is mandatory upon joining a clan. You can find it here and ask for the right roles in "Clan Area" #disc-access-request
SKIL0 (EU) |
Need to be on Discord with a working microphone Have (almost) all of the following tanks (at least 15 competitive tanks): |
NA & EU | Provide 2000 Industrial Resource Boxes per month, by claiming Tour of Duty missions rewards manually (New TOD since April 10, 2024 patch 1.24.1). |
SKIL1 (EU) | 2x 3rd moe on tier VIII+, or 1x 3rd moe on tier IX+ |
SKIL2 (EU) | 2x 2nd moe on tier IX, or 1x 2nd moe on tier X |
SKIL3 (EU) | 1x 2nd moe on tier VIII+ |
SKIL4 (EU) | 1x 2nd moe on tier VI+ |
SKIL5, 6 & BABN1 (EU) |
Have at least a tier 8 tank |
SKIL7 (EU) | Have a tier 10 tank |
ASIA | Have at least one of the Meta tanks ( CS-63, 277, 140, EBR, Super Conqueror ) |
Console | Looking for players who just enjoy the game, be active & not toxic (rules) |
Community Guidance & Rules
TL;DR Don’t be a dick.
Further Guidance - Discord
- Stick to the ethos of Skill’s chat. Be nice. If you can’t be nice, be silent.
- Racism, Homophobia, bullying or sexism will result in censure.
- Disruptive behaviour either on Discord or elsewhere disrupting the activities of the clan will result in censure.
- Attempting to subvert or undermine the Discord permissions, hiding of nicks, using alternative identities or hindering the work of the Discord admins etc will result in censure.
- Your identity on Discord should reflect both your twitch and ingame nick. If these are materially different, please use <twitch nick> / <game nick>.
Further Guidance - In Game
- Do not breach the World of Tanks EULA (game rules).
- Do not act in a hateful, malicious or disruptive manner either in battle chat or elsewhere.
- Do not take any action which may bring the community into disrepute.