Covenanter V
Live recordings
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- Armour Effectiveness
- Beginner Friendliness
- Gun Handling
- Speed / Mobility
- Ease of marking
- Ammunition
Community average ratings in 221 votes
- Overall (2.90)
- Fun (3.30)
Community average ratings for tier V+ vehicles
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Crew Transfer Info:
As of 5 September 2024, with the 1.26 Update, crew transfers have become much easier. You can now move crews between vehicles with fewer restrictions. The only limitations that still apply are based on the crew’s Nation and Vehicle Type.
For more details on these restrictions, check out the guide on crew restrictions.
For more details on these restrictions, check out the guide on crew restrictions.
Vehicle changelog
February 22, 2024
Added: Rating: Armour Effectiveness 1, Speed / Mobility 3
September 25, 2023
Modified: Crew Skills : all updated and new 6 skills layout
June 22 2023
- Added: Rating: Beginner Friendliness 1, Gun Handling 1, Ease of marking 2, Ammunition 1
- Modified: Rating: Overall from 3 to 1
June 12, 2020
- Link to Patchnotes 1.9.1
- Decreased the dispersion during movement of the Covenanter Mk. I suspension by 12%
- Decreased the dispersion during movement of the Covenanter Mk. III suspension by 12%
- Decreased the dispersion on hull traverse of the Covenanter Mk. I suspension by 12%
- Decreased the dispersion on hull traverse of the Covenanter Mk. III suspension by 12%
- Changed the dispersion of the OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I in the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret from 0.53 to 0.49 m
- Decreased the dispersion on turret traverse of the OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I in the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret by 17%
- Decreased the dispersion of the OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I in the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret after firing a shot by 25%
- Changed the dispersion of the QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun in the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret from 0.39 to 0.41 m
- Changed the reload time of the QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun in the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret from 5.5 to 6 s
- Changed the reload time of the OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I in the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret from 4.3 to 4 s
- Changed the penetration value for the SAP Mk. 1T shell of the QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun from 63 to 86 mm
- Changed the penetration value for the APHV Mk. 1T shell of the QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun from 101 to 112 mm
- Changed the damage value for the SAP Mk. 1T shell of the QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun from 50 to 60 HP
- Changed the damage value for the HE Mk. 2T shell of the QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun from 60 to 75 HP
- Changed the damage value for the APHV Mk. 1T shell of the QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun from 50 to 60 HP
- Changed the top speed from 50 to 55 km/h
- Changed the reverse speed from 20 to 22 km/h
- Changed the engine power of the Meadows D.A.V. O.C. engine from 360 to 400 h.p.
- Changed the vehicle durability with the Covenanter Mk. I turret from 475 to 510 HP
- Changed the vehicle durability with the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret from 500 to 540 HP
April 22, 2020
- Link to Patchnotes 1.9
- Changed the cost of the Covenanter Mk. I suspension from 1500 to 3000 credits
- Changed the cost of the Covenanter Mk. III suspension from 4200 to 8400 credits
- Changed the research cost of the Covenanter Mk. III suspension from 1200 to 1900 XP
- Decreased dispersion during movement of the Covenanter Mk. I suspension by 7%
- Decreased dispersion during movement of the Covenanter Mk. III suspension by 8%
- Decreased dispersion on hull traverse of the Covenanter Mk. I suspension by 7%
- Decreased dispersion on hull traverse of the Covenanter Mk. III suspension by 8%
- Changed the view range of the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret from 340 to 350 m
- Changed the ammo rack capacity of the QF 2-pdr Mk. X gun from 130 to 260 shells
- Changed the ammo rack capacity of the 40 mm Pom-Pom gun from 200 to 360 shells
- Changed the ammo rack capacity of the OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I gun from 74 to 88 shells
- Changed the ammo rack capacity of the QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun from 120 to 240 shells
- Changed the vehicle tier from IV to V
- Decreased the repair cost by 4%
- Decreased profitability by 11%
- Changed the tier of the Covenanter Mk. I suspension from III to IV
- Changed the tier of the Covenanter Mk. III suspension from IV to V
- Changed the cost of the vehicle from 110 000 to 410 000 credits
- Changed the tier of the Covenanter Mk. I turret from III to IV
- Changed the tier of the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret from IV to V
- Changed the cost of the Covenanter Mk. I turret from 1890 to 3780 credits
- Changed the cost of the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret from 5500 to 11 000 credits
- Changed the vehicle durability with the Covenanter Mk. I turret from 310 to 475 HP
- Changed the vehicle durability with the Covenanter Mk. IV CS turret from 340 to 500 HP