TVP T 50/51 X
Best replays
Skill4ltu evaluation:
- Armour Effectiveness
- Beginner Friendliness
- Gun Handling
- Speed / Mobility
- Ease of marking
- Ammunition
Community average ratings in 1196 votes
- Overall (4.37)
- Fun (4.68)
Community average ratings for tier V+ vehicles
You are not able to rate TVP T 50/51 because:
XTVP T 50/51
Support Medium Tank
This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for TVP T 50/51.
Skill4ltu's note: Level VIII: Both options can work, depends on play style and map.






Changes to technical characteristics
Skill4ltu notes:
You should have at least 3 perks. You can start with Repairs or Concealment, it's up to you, Concealment is more my playstyle.
*Order of skills and perks is important.
Hover the skills and perks to get full description of each.
Crew Transfer Info:
For more details on these restrictions, check out the guide on crew restrictions.
Vehicle changelog
February 23, 2025
Modified: Crew perks, Gunner from Designated Target to Armorer, Driver from Engineer to Controlled Impact, Loader from Ammo Tuning to Safe Stowage, Ratings, Overall from 5 to 4,5, Armour Effectiveness from 1 to 1,5, Beginner Friendliness from 2 to 1,5, Gun Handling from 4 to 3,5, Speed / Mobility from 4 to 3,5
September 25, 2023
Modified: Crew Skills : all updated and new 6 skills layout